Tuesday, November 17, 2009


As you cradle me with your arms,
We are re-united as family.
I take on your heartaches;
You take on mine.
A part of me is found and made whole
As I'm lifted above my burdens;
Beyond my past;
To the heavens, to soar as the mighty eagle.
Raised to new heights,
Reconnecting soul to Spirit,
Never looking back.
My soul fuses with yours,
As you taught me to fly,
Then gifted me new life!

Dedicated to my new family at I.C. I love you all!!!

Sheri Joi

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Look for the Rainbow

When the bad days come, and they will.....sit with them quietly. There is no need to judge them as "bad" days only realize the ache and the pain is the extreme love that you've felt on the other end of the spectrum. It is still love! For this realization, give thanks! To everything there is a season and so it is true with this. Take comfort in knowing the sun will rise again tomorrow, this you can rest your faith in. With this simple awareness you will be able to plant more seeds of faith. Do your best to step outside yourself as to not get wrapped to tightly in the woeful sorrow and start the spiraling descent. Instead step away from the wall and KNOW that all things are for our benefit and this too shall pass.....and with it's passing a magnificent rebirth will emerge. When the rain stops, know that you will shine with all the brilliance of the rainbow. "Sometimes we forget how beautiful the rainbow can be until we've weathered the storm". Move from your head to your heart and float quietly.....be still. Dance in the rain until the storm blows over!

....I dedicate this to those that hate, persecute and despitefully use me, I bless, love and pray for you. The quote above was once said to me by a beloved "enemy", whom I will always love. (I only say enemy because I am using the quote from Jesus in Matthew 5:44, I believe that this enemy has been my greatest teacher and that is why I call him beloved.)