Tuesday, November 17, 2009


As you cradle me with your arms,
We are re-united as family.
I take on your heartaches;
You take on mine.
A part of me is found and made whole
As I'm lifted above my burdens;
Beyond my past;
To the heavens, to soar as the mighty eagle.
Raised to new heights,
Reconnecting soul to Spirit,
Never looking back.
My soul fuses with yours,
As you taught me to fly,
Then gifted me new life!

Dedicated to my new family at I.C. I love you all!!!

Sheri Joi

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Look for the Rainbow

When the bad days come, and they will.....sit with them quietly. There is no need to judge them as "bad" days only realize the ache and the pain is the extreme love that you've felt on the other end of the spectrum. It is still love! For this realization, give thanks! To everything there is a season and so it is true with this. Take comfort in knowing the sun will rise again tomorrow, this you can rest your faith in. With this simple awareness you will be able to plant more seeds of faith. Do your best to step outside yourself as to not get wrapped to tightly in the woeful sorrow and start the spiraling descent. Instead step away from the wall and KNOW that all things are for our benefit and this too shall pass.....and with it's passing a magnificent rebirth will emerge. When the rain stops, know that you will shine with all the brilliance of the rainbow. "Sometimes we forget how beautiful the rainbow can be until we've weathered the storm". Move from your head to your heart and float quietly.....be still. Dance in the rain until the storm blows over!

....I dedicate this to those that hate, persecute and despitefully use me, I bless, love and pray for you. The quote above was once said to me by a beloved "enemy", whom I will always love. (I only say enemy because I am using the quote from Jesus in Matthew 5:44, I believe that this enemy has been my greatest teacher and that is why I call him beloved.)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

August 22....my journal entry

August 22, 2009
Construction began early this morning. As I slowly became conscious of the bustling outside my window, I remembered it was Saturday……didn’t these guys get a day off? I reached for my phone, the only indication in my simple little bedroom of what time it is. Ugh! 6:45 in the morning….. REALLY? I rolled out of my bed and pulled the covers back into place. There would be no temptation to slip back into a Saturday morning snuggle today. I plopped myself in front of my laptop and searched for any updates from yesterdays conversations among my cyber friends. Nothing…sigh….. Well, I guess I will tackle those dishes from last night. Outside my kitchen window I could see the large crew amassing rapidly. I determined from the ladders and other tools that today was the day they would be removing the roof. I was living through a remodel of a 1950’s home and life was anything but calm, with the remodel or my personal life. Ladders in place, team accounted for….game on…..let the banging begin. The pounding started, the scraping commenced, and the saws began to buzz. I was disappointed that I would not be enjoying my ritual, leisurely Saturday morning bubble bath. I took a deep breath and stepped back from all the chaos that had begun around me….not physically but in my mind. What a beautiful metaphor this was for what I was going through. I determined I would take my relaxing Saturday morning bath anyway. I ran the water and slipped into the bubbles, losing myself in the warm water that enveloped me. The banging continued, the scraping increased, I even noticed shadows of shingles being tossed off the roof past my morning respite. The saw was quite literally 4 feet from where my head rested and yet if I focused hard enough I could hear the music from my Ipod. I had turned it on shuffle and trusted it would know what I needed. The volume was low as to not rival the crew outside, concentrating deeply I could hear the sweet voice of Belinda Carlisle telling me that “Heaven was a place on Earth”. Of course a huge smile broke out across my face as I mused at the wonderful surprise my angels had brought. They walked with me often, reminding me of the simple abundance that dances all around me. I reflected on the metaphor I was living and realized that as chaos and destruction are raging all around me, I have the ability to be still and focus on the peace within…..at this moment I will be able to hear my music, the song of my heart and I will surely KNOW. Just as this house is going through an extensive remodel and parts of it must be torn down, so must I go through a tear down. But, there are blue prints, also, there is an architect in charge and like a butterfly making its metamorphosis, this home and my soul will emerge in perfect time, as the masterpiece that our creator had in mind for both of us. As I finished my bath I noticed the construction had gotten louder but I had been so deeply still in my thoughts within, I only noticed the warm notes of Alabama singing, “Feels so Right” to my heart. I know there is something greater than me, guiding me, leading me, and teaching me to fly. How different my morning evolved into because of the choice I made to create heaven on earth for myself. I reflect back on this journal entry and see that it began with me allowing outside forces to determine my mood. Still searching outside myself I looked for friends online to fill my emptiness inside but to no avail. It was only when I determined to take action towards the peace I wanted that I was able to create the world around me. So it is with all of us, we blame others for where we are and what we are going through but really it is up to us to surrender to peace within and allow the still moments to paint the masterpiece that we become each day, for we are all connected in a great tear down with ourselves as the architect to build something fabulous!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Don't Die With Your Music Still Inside"

There is a song that must be sung
There is music only you can hear
Only you can live your purpose
Spread your wings and let the world hear the song of your heart

"Don't die with your music still inside", Sing the song of your heart
Enjoi this purpose, love the journey, no matter the weather
Don’t wait out the storm, dance in the rain
Give thanks you are guided to what is required

Go within to find your strength
Let passion be your guide
All will be provided, all that is required is already here
Show up and make it happen, it’s time to sing your song!

Peace and Love! Xoxo -Sheri Joi

In Africa, there is a tribe in which expectant mothers create a song-of-the-soul for their unborn children. Villagers sing this song to the baby at birth and at every important moment of his life--from his first step to his wedding day. The song is also sung when that person steps out of the integrity of his true self. Rather than be punished, the individual is brought back into harmony through the music of his soul. You, too, have a soul song that belongs only to you. Listen for it. Re-discover the harmony of your own life.
-Mary Manin Morrissey

Thank you and much love to Wayne Dyer who supplied the quote for this entry. Namaste my great teacher.

Thursday, July 2, 2009



Consider that the seeds you plant today become the fruit of tomorrow.
Consider that the good deeds you do today will return you blessings in the future.
Consider that the ill done to you in the past has shaped you into what you are now.
Consider that a terrible act done in April will lend an answer to what you seek in July.
Consider that you create everything for your higher good with your higher power.
Consider that if you step back and listen to the silence, you will see the mysteries unfold.

Consider that……
If you don’t like what you see…..you can change it!

-Sheri Joi (July 1st, 2009)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Choose To Be Free

Be Free

Though you are held in a prison of concrete walls
You are free if you choose to be

Though all your freedom’s are taken from you
You are free if you choose to be

Though you can not come and go as you please
You are free if you choose to be

The mind that runs untamed is bondage
You can be free if you choose to be

Being still is not as easy as it seems
Choosing to find this stillness, will set you free

Quiet the mind, still the voices, feel the aliveness within
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

Though you are released from concrete walls
You are still bound if you can not find stillness

Find your stillness
You are free if you choose to be.

-Sheri Joi

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today is Your Day!

“Today is your day!
YOU are what God is doing today.”
Like an artists’ canvas, He is painting a landscape He sees the entire picture and notices the river needs a little more movement, the distant mountains are almost right with their magnificent features and the shadows on the trees only need a few more brush strokes to feel their strength but today is the day for the flower. He knows the exact one He will be spending His day with. Today He will dance with the bloom in the meadow, near the pond. Today is the day especially reserved for YOU! Each thoughtful brush stroke pulls out more brilliance of the essence that glows from within the perfect blossom. His careful attention to each detail is eminent in His gentle and knowing touch. Each tender stroke has His masterpiece in mind.
You are His masterpiece and today is your day.
YOU are what God is doing today.

Inspired by Jules!
Written by Sheri Joi
March 26, 2009



Simply accept!

Accept what is, for it is!

Accept that which you call good with gratitude
Accept that which you call bad with hope

Accept that everyone around you is having a human experience like you
Accept that everyone around you is a spiritual being and therefore perfect

Accept that your emotions are telling you something
Accept that your emotions are guiding you somewhere

Accept when you feel lost and nowhere
Accept when you feel found and now here

Accept the love from up above
Accept the love from all around

Accept yourself for being your authentic self
Accept yourself; you are just as you should be

Accept the sun it warms us all
Accept the rain it grows us all

Accept that you are experiencing the same thing as another
Accept that they may be experiencing it differently

Accept the sorrow, without it, you wouldn’t know joy
Accept exhilaration, it teaches you to fly

Accept that what you are going through is meant for you
Accept that what you are going through is enlightening you

Accept the winter for death is a natural progression
Accept the spring for rebirth is eminent

Accept that which you call good with gratitude
Accept that which you call bad with hope

Accept what is, for it is!

Simply accept!


-Sheri Joi

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


To be able to take a step back and realize we are blessed with amazing, simple, abundance is the gift we must be reminded to give to ourselves each day. Having genuine, over flowing gratitude for what you have right now is empowering yourself with the the present moment. There is no thought of what you are 'wanting' for happiness in the future and there is no thought of what you have 'lost' in the past that brings you sadness, there is only JOY in this moment. Let your whole being feel the excitement over what you have NOW, in this moment. Surround yourself with this love and give thanks for whatever is happening because you have created it. Never has there been another time in history when we can witness the amazing expansion of our minds. You can prove the law of attraction by looking at the traffic you experience each day. When the automobile was invented there were only a handful, the more people saw them and focused on 'wanting' them, the more they multiplied. Look at the abundance you witness when you walk into an electronics SUPER store. Recognize the plentiful choices at the pet store. We are able to manifest things even more rapidly now and time is only an illusion, if you can grasp this concept you will be tapping into a higher plane of consciousness....if you can only catch glimpses of this concept congratulate yourself, you may be moving past the logistical, ego centered part of our brain into a spiritual realm that will open you to more and more enlightenment. As you open to this territory you will find a simplicity in its complexity. Seek for simplicity and then be appreciative of the peace simplicity gives.

Monday, February 23, 2009


"How do you teach someone something that only experience can provide?" I grew up hearing this over and over from my wise father. In stepping back or rather looking at my human experiences from a spiritual eye, I am able see that all my choices have brought about the experiences in my life. As the Eagles so eloquently put it, "This could be heaven or this could be hell". The experiences themselves are neither good nor bad, there is no such thing. The universe doesn't place judgement on circumstances. Experiences just are....and it is up to us to choose how we will perceive and use those experiences in our life. To be able to objectively pull the essence out of any experience means we must take responsibility for that experience and realize that we brought it about. As long as your experiences are "happening to you" and not "happening as a result of you" then you will not be able to draw the amazing essence out of them. Being able to choose our experience is what BEING human is all about. When you realize you have this potential, you will have discovered an amazing SECRET. Once you have had an experience and are conscious of having that experience you can choose to continue it or let it drop away, just as the Eagles once again provide us with beautiful clarity "You can check in...but you can never leave", your experiences are what shape you, they become a part of you and you can change that outcome any time you like but the experience will always be with you, whether it is heaven or hell is up to you!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Because there is dark, we are aware of the light. There can only be beauty because we judge ugliness. There can not be hate if there is not love. We are human and in our human-ness there is duality in all things, when we are able to see that in all things there must be an opposite then we have increased our conciousness but when we realize there is no duality, that opposites are really one and the same and that there is only one-ness.....then we have found peace.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Just for a moment let your heart focus on silence. Feel the air around you, feel the ground your feet are touching, can you feel your clothes touching your skin? Do you notice any smells or if the air is warm? cold? Listen. What do you hear? Is it the sound of silence. Have you ever stopped to think that silence is what creates the music? It is the silence in between the notes that makes the melody so sweet, without it there would be chaos and noise; we would tire of the sound, but silence, sweet silence makes it music. Just for a moment, feel your breath, marvel at the magnificence of our being and give outlandish thanks for being able to be in the NOW!