Simply accept!
Accept what is, for it is!
Accept that which you call good with gratitude
Accept that which you call bad with hope
Accept that everyone around you is having a human experience like you
Accept that everyone around you is a spiritual being and therefore perfect
Accept that your emotions are telling you something
Accept that your emotions are guiding you somewhere
Accept when you feel lost and nowhere
Accept when you feel found and now here
Accept the love from up above
Accept the love from all around
Accept yourself for being your authentic self
Accept yourself; you are just as you should be
Accept the sun it warms us all
Accept the rain it grows us all
Accept that you are experiencing the same thing as another
Accept that they may be experiencing it differently
Accept the sorrow, without it, you wouldn’t know joy
Accept exhilaration, it teaches you to fly
Accept that what you are going through is meant for you
Accept that what you are going through is enlightening you
Accept the winter for death is a natural progression
Accept the spring for rebirth is eminent
Accept that which you call good with gratitude
Accept that which you call bad with hope
Accept what is, for it is!
Simply accept!
-Sheri Joi
Come what may and Love it